Jewelry Care

S T E R L I N G  S I L V E R

All of our sterling silver jewelry is made with .999 & .925 sterling silver and natural stones. It is very important to care for your jewelry properly in order to maintain the longevity of your piece. Exposure to certain chemicals, cosmetics, liquids, and oils can alter the color of stones over time. Some stones can be sensitive to bumps and scratches. Please be sure to remove any jewelry before doing any vigorous, messy, or wet activities. You can polish sterling silver jewelry with a polishing cloth, please be sure to avoid the stone when polishing. Always store sterling silver jewelry in a cool, dry place away from any moisture. 



Be careful that your Mala necklace isn’t exposed to excessive sweat, long periods of direct & harsh sunlight, perfumes, lotions or other chemicals. This may discolor the stones. Please be sure to remove your Mala before doing any vigorous, messy, or wet activities. It is best to wear on the outside the tight strap of a seat belt or crossover shoulder bag. Unless you’re wearing a wrapped Mala that’s specifically designed to be worn as a bracelet, please avoid wrapping the Mala around your wrist ..or.. getting your Mala wet as it can stretch the knotting cord and shorten the life of your necklace.



R E P A I R 

In the event a piece of jewelry breaks over it's lifetime, please keep the materials together in a safe place and message me for a possible repair. If your piece can be fixed, I will provide a shipping address of where to send materials. Shipping, replacement and/or repair cost will be discussed prior to sending.


If you have a question about how to care for your jewelry ..or.. regarding a repair please fill out the Contact form to discuss proper care and/or repair options.